Mental Edge Preparation & Self-Analysis
Discover how to improve your performance by approaching trusted individuals for constructive feedback. Learn how to embrace the negatives as opportunities for growth in your game through per-practice/game preparation and post-practice/match self analysis.
Pre-Practice Mindset Prep Work
What Position do you plan on training in today?
What's one thing about your mindset that you want to focus on today in your position during the session that's outside of your control?
What are three things you can control that will increase your chances of achieving your main mindset goal in today's session?
Training Target for Today Session:
How can you tell if your team training is going well?
How can you tell when your team's training session is not going well?
What could have been better in today's training?
What Didn’t Go Well?
Post-Practice Mindset Prep Work
What did you focus on in today's today?
What did you take away from today's session?
What did you enjoy about today's session?
Game-Day Mindset Prep Work
What did you do in one of your best games that made you feel great?
Can you think of a game you played in the past that didn't go well for you? What happened during that game that made it a bad experience for you?
Name 3 bad situations that can happen during a game and explain how you would handle them in a positive way:
If you make a mistake during the game:
If you feel frustrated or upset during the game how will you handle it?
If you feel tired or fatigued during the game how will you handle it?
How can I regain my confidence and motivation if I start to lose it during the game?
After Game Analysis
What were your main strengths during the game?
How did you handle mistakes or setbacks during the game?
What did you learn from this game that you can apply to future games?
Was there a particular moment during the game that stood out to you? Why?
What can you do in your next training session to improve your game?
What feedback did you receive from your coach or teammates after the game?