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What Position Am I?

Understanding the roles and responsibilities for the positions on the field will help you identify which position is right for your skill set. Many players can play multiple positions and are comfortable in different parts of the field, try to pick the positions that you will be successful in. Having said that, being on the field is the most valuable part of your development, even if that means playing out of your primary position to maximize gametime.

Image by Jeffrey F Lin


Technically proficient

Solid technical passing abilities

Strong decision making for distribution

Positional awareness

2 & 3
Outside Backs

Ability to play great long service

Strong 1v1 defending

Speedy player able to cover ground on flanks

Solid technical passing abilities

Image by Jeffrey F Lin
Soccer Game

4 & 5
Center Backs

Consistent players who are organized and leaders

Tall and strong

Ability to cover ground - especially laterally and vertically

Technically strong defensively

Strong tackler

Strong in the air

Holding Defensive 

High work rate

Ability to keep the ball (vision and technical passing)

Tactically astute

Strong in the air

Strong tackler


Endless work rate - speed and endurance

Good leadership and organization

Creative playmaker

Good in the air

Long range finishing ability

Ability to provide defensive pressure

7 & 11
Winger or Outside 

Very fit

High work rate

Ability to make long runs and recover

Strong 1v1 attaching ability

Flank service

Long range shooting

Attacking Center 

Finishing ability

Clinical passing in the final third to create scoring opportunities

Strong 1v1 in the final third

Makes play predictable through putting preessure on the defense

Center or Target 

Ability to play with back to goal

Creativity and technical finishing abilities

Strong and tough

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